I Came By Train 
 If we all switched just one car or plane journey to a train journey, every year, we could save tens of millions of tonnes of CO2. To help spread the word, we created I Came By Train, a new brand which was launched into the world with a 90s RnB love letter to Mother Nature written by myself and Craig David. 
As well as launching the song and music video, we covered cities in I Came By Train billboards and murals, giving people a whole range of reasons to travel more sustainably. 
Anyone inspired by the campaign, could go to icamebytrain.com and pledge to switch. They'd get personalised artwork and a tree planted in their name in Haiti, Madagascar, Mozambique or Nepal.
Directed by Golden Wolf @ Stink.
Credit: Song and animation: Creative (Solo) and co-songwriter. Print: Creative team w/Lottie Sole.